Learn About Our Programs
The Parent Teacher Association organizes Teacher Appreciation events, Homecoming activities, hosts all receptions after student performances and ceremonies, provides used uniform services, Box Tops for Education, and much more!
Used Uniforms
The PTA has gently used uniforms for sale in the PTA Headquarters. The store hours are Tuesday mornings from 7:30-8:30 and Thursday afternoons from 2:15-3:15. If you would like to donate used uniforms for the PTA to sell, please leave your donations in the grey bin outside the old PTA room under the stadium.

Parents in Prayer
Parents in Prayer is making an effort to specifically pray for certain grade levels each week (teachers, students, parents), and we would like to invite parents in that grade level to attend on that set date. The parents, grandparents and staff who are interested come together in prayer every Tuesday morning at 7:45 in the boardroom of the Cooper Dining Hall. ALL are welcome!
Box Tops for Education
Help us earn money for our school! It's easy! Just download the app and start scanning your receipts!